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OEA支持SB 1552

SB 1552 would strengthen Oregon's community college programs, while supporting our students.


的 俄勒冈教育协会 represents over 40,000教育工作者, from kindergarten through community colleges, 来自菠菜导航网州的每个社区. OEA supports SB 1552 as amended by the –1 amendment.

Some of the critical components in SB 1552-1 for OEA members are:

  • 学生资料及直接录取: Applying for colleges can be complex and time consuming. Often – especially for potential first-generation students – these barriers can feel insurmountable. Making it possible for all eligible students to automatically be accepted to their local community college would remove that barrier, making it easier for folks to access higher education. 的se components of SB 1552 are critical first steps to making Direct Admission a reality.

  • 财政援助分配: Financial aid decisions are some of the most, 如果不是最多的话, critical decisions in the lives of higher education students. 的se decisions should be made with the upmost care and consideration, and Oregon’s current system for determining who should and should not receive aid falls woefully short of care and consideration. By putting the power to make those changes in the hands of the Higher Education Coordinating Commission, the legislature would be ensuring that there is a public and accountable decision-making process.

  • 青少年教育计划拨款: 以公平为基础, our states school funding system built on ADMwights falls short of equitably supporting our critical programs that are there to support students in their most critical hours. This change to the funding structure for JDEP and YCEP is critical to ensure that these programs receive the funds they need to better serve our students.

  • 教育工作者促进委员会: Student educators are the future of our education system. 的y bring a bright perspective to the work and are full of innovative ideas. Having students as EAC members will help bridge tthe gap between education prep programs and the classroom.

  • 必要的学生支持: We recommend that Line 29 or Page 53 be changed to “One representative of a statewide 社区学院教师 association.“否则, OEA is grateful that there will be heavy inclusion of faculty who do the work in the conversation around corequisite modeling.

  • 教员保健福利: 的 health care program for part time faculty is one of the most critical programs the legislature has done in higher education in years. 的se changes help clarify who qualifies for benefits.

    OEA对SB 1552-1的关注是:

  • 国家教育基金现代化项目: 的 Quality Education Model is a critical metric for Oregon, 和俄勒冈州的学生, 父母, 和教育工作者. 简单地说, the QEM takes best practice around class size, 人员配备, 学生支持, and all the other critical things that help students learn and aggregates it across Oregon so that we can know what meeting best practices for our students w ould look like. 的 QEM gives us critical information for Oregonians and our legislators to know and understand. OEA’s concern is not modernization in and of itself, we believe in a continuous reworking of the QEM as new data and best practices come to light, our concern is only in ensuring the the QEM maintains is spirit of giving Oregonians a picture of what it would take to meet best practices for our students.

  • Short-acting Opioid Antagonist School 政策: Naloxone should be mandated in schools as we are experiencing a fentanyl crisis in our state, increasing this life saving antagonist is critical. Students and staff need little training for administering, 并能迅速采取行动拯救同事, 一个学生, 甚至是社区成员.

    With all this in mind, OEA supports SB 1552 as amended by the –1 amendments.


Keeping the Promise of Quality Public Education

的 俄勒冈教育协会 (OEA) is a union committed to the cause of providing the basic right of great public education to every student. OEA代表大约41个,000教育工作者 working in pre-kindergarten through grade 12 public schools and community colleges. OEA’s membership includes licensed teachers and specialists, classified/education support professionals (ESPs), 社区学院教师, 退休教师, 学生成员. OEA成员也属于这三个国家.2 million members of the 全国教育协会 (NEA).